You flossed right before you came to the appointment and that’s the only time you’ve flossed recently. Sorry folks, you’re not fooling us so just start doing it like your supposed to!
Your bad breath could actually be the sign of something bigger. Certain smells mean certain things and dentists are trained to know that. So while we appreciate you brushing right before you come and hope you continue to, it is helpful for us to smell your breath.
You’re a sugar addict. Sugars found in soda and other beverages will over time cause damage to your teeth. If you have weakened teeth and experience a lot of chipping of your teeth, that is usually a sign that you consume a lot of sugar.
You have other medical issues such as diabetes, a sinus infection or a vitamin deficiency.
You grind your teeth or bite your nails. Biting your nails and grinding your teeth wears down your teeth and can lead to fractured or broken teeth. In the case of grinding, you may be prescribed a night guard to wear while you sleep. And in the case of biting your nails, we’re going to tell you to quit doing it!