Good dental care starts at young age

We all know that good dental care starts at a young age, but for a tired, worn-out mom, it is many times easier said than done to get your kiddos to brush and floss as they should.

Here are a few tips to help make the process more enjoyable for everyone.

  • Make it fun. Put on some music and turn brushing into a two-minute dance party. Not big into dancing? No problem, turn tooth time into story time by reading them their favorite book while they brush.
  • Create a routine and do it, whether you want to or not. We get it. All you want to do at the end of the day is get the kiddos in bed and get some sleep yourself. However, consistency can ensure good dental hygiene becomes a regular part of your kids’ daily routine.
  • Reward them. Find what motivates your little one, and once they achieve their goal, give them a treat. Not only do they get something, but they also see the results of doing the right thing. Here are some cute charts to help your little one track their progress.
  • Make it a family affair. There is no better teacher than learning from others. If your little one sees you practicing good dental hygiene, and it becomes something they get to do with you, they’re more likely to enjoy it.  
  • Let them choose their toothbrush at the store. Letting your child choose a toothbrush that makes them happy makes it more likely they’ll want to brush.

Start your kiddos on the path to good dental health with regular dental checkups. Call 573-243-5200 or stop by the Jackson Dental office at 3100 E. Jackson Blvd., in Jackson, MO, to schedule appointments for the entire family.